What is a Guayabera? Guayabera Formal dress code information

 If you grew up in the 70s in the US or in the 80s in Latin America, the image of Fantasy Island's Ricardo Montalbán and Tattoo welcoming a plane in white suits might come to your head when thinking about Caribbean style formal attires. You're not far off. Light linen suits are very popular for evening parties.  The most commonly used is the Guayabera, lighter and more comfortable than a white tropical tuxedo. 


In the Caribbean there are several formal attires for formal parties in the evening.  The most popular is the Guayabera Formal, a white, long-sleeved, linen shirt for men, usually worn with pants.

To see more details about the Guayabera, here are some websites that carry them:




When a party calls for Guayabera Formal, this usually means a formal evening dress. Remember that it will be hot down there, so lighter and colorful fabrics are a good choice.